Three Act Circuit 2016

Three Act Circuit Details will be available soon.

Festival Contacts 2016 - Click HERE



Amateur Drama Council of Ireland

About A.D.C.I
The Amateur Drama Council of Ireland (A.D.C.I) is the federation of amateur drama festivals for the whole of Ireland - North and South. A.D.C.I was founded in 1952 and has coordinated the running of preliminary drama festivals and All Ireland festivals ever since. The principal objects of the Council are to foster, develop, promote and encourage amateur drama in Ireland and to organise annually All Ireland Drama Festivals.


All Ireland Festivals
There are three All Ireland Drama Festivals.  The full length Open festival (for experienced drama groups), the full length Confined festival (for less experienced groups), and the One act festival, which is organized jointly with The Drama League of Ireland (D.L.I.).  The first All-Ireland Drama Festival was held in Athlone in 1953 and the full length open All Ireland Festival has been held there ever since, celebrating its jubilee year in 2002. The full length confined All Ireland Festival rotates around the provinces annually with the 2014 Confined Finals in Connacht, 2015 in Leinster, 2016 in Ulster, 2017 in Munster etc. The One Act Finals rotates throughout the island annually at a venue decided by the joint ADCI/DLI committee.


Festival Circuits
The Council currently has thirty-eight full-length member festivals and nine one-act member festivals. The full-length festival circuit commences each year in February and finishes by the first Sunday in April. The one act circuit runs in October/November annually. Each festival runs an open and confined section, unless granted an exemption, and performances are adjudicated upon by a Council approved adjudicator. Marks awarded in accordance with the A.D.C.I marking system and the highest marked festivals qualify for the All Ireland finals. 


A.D.C.I Constitution
Each member festival subscribes to the Constitution of the Amateur Drama Council of Ireland and the AGM of the Council is held each year in Athlone during the month of October. Rules for the running of All Ireland festivals are adopted and a National Executive Council (NEC) is elected to carry on the business of the Council. There is also a Provincial Council in each province.


How to Join
Applications from festivals to join the A.D.C.I are taken at the AGM in October. Festivals wishing to join and to become a nominating festival should apply in the first instance to the Secretary of the relevant Provincial Council. A representative of the Provincial Council will vet the location, theatre and other facilities and recommend, or otherwise, the festival for membership at the AGM. The annual subscription for the full-length festivals is one hundred and twenty five Euro, and fifty Euro for one-act festivals (Or sterling equivalent for Northern Ireland Festivals)